Challenge Accepted!

October 2014 by Tiffany Dimmick
Are you always looking to hear the right song playing at the right time?
For the past 6 years or so I’ve listened to nothing but Christian music. Of course I hear other songs on the speakers when I go shopping, through students’ earphones at the college I work at, my husband listens to country, and pretty much anywhere else I go I hear something other than Christian playing. But when I have control, I listen to Christian music. And there’s not a single song on the Christian station that I can’t learn from or love. I never get tired of the songs. Every song has a positive message (even during the dark times they mention), a bible verse reference, an encouraging story. Every song is the right song at the right time. I even enjoy the commercial breaks in-between songs because they are also positive, encouraging, informing, and much more. They talk about news in the world and positive outlooks we can have or ways to help. They talk about daily activities and local events you can take part in that are fun and friendly. They talk about interesting things like “It’s National Dessert Day” or talk about what happened on this day in the past. They talk about and understand the pains in life we go through, but offer support and prayer.
This is a complete personal choice to listen to ONLY Christian music. There’s a lot of Christians that can listen to other music besides Christian and that’s totally fine. What they do is between God and them. Some people it influences, some it doesn’t. I don’t think we should IGNORE other music because that puts us in self-contained little boxes. We should be aware of darkness in the world so we know how to fight it and help others (hence where this post is coming from). But, I don’t want myself or my son to be influenced by singing about “slashing people’s tires, pointing shot guns at people, cussing, drinking alcohol, partying, etc.” I know he’s going to hear about these eventually, and I can’t protect him forever (and I definitely don’t want to be OVER-protective). But I feel in my heart that when I hear certain stations (even what the commercials are geared towards) I know I’m not glorifying God no matter how catchy the tune. These songs are encouraging slashing your boyfriends tires because he cheated on you. Shooting someone because they abused you. Getting drunk because it’s fun or because you’re lonely and sad. And I know these are all relatable stages people go through in life (you’re hurt, you want revenge, you feel worthless, etc). But, the bad thing about these songs is that they don’t offer a positive solution. The song ends and you end up feeling like you are in the same position (or maybe you DO feel better that someone else is going through the same thing as you). All I know, is that since I started listening to Christian music my mind-set has been more clear, more forgiving, more positive, more Godly. I would rather forgive myself, forgive others, and do something better for my life than have feelings of guilt, regret, sadness, and anger pent up in my heart and take it out on my body or others.
I think many people have misinformation about Christian stations (I used to be one of those people). I thought it was all gospel music and sermons. I thought that Christian artists didn’t have catchy songs or amazing bands. So NOT true. There are a ton of different Christian artists: Rap, R & B, Pop, Rock, Country, Blue Grass etc. and they all have amazing lyrics and talented beats that everyone could find something they love. Christian artists are humans and go through the same trials as everyone else. They sing songs about love, fun, and happiness but also about grief, anger, hating yourself, etc, but they ALWAYS offer hope. So, I challenge you (no matter if you are a believer or not) to listen to nothing but Christian stations for the next 30 days (as long as it’s in your control). Christian stations are actually fun and keep you in such a good mood. So except the challenge and see how it can influence your life. You’ll never know unless you try.
Here’s a link to Free Online Christian Radios:
Here’s a link to finding a Christian Radio Station near you:
Here’s a link to Christian Bands and Artists by Genre:

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